The iPod is an incredible piece of technology. When I was younger I lugged around a giant CD wallet with every single one of my CDs. I kept all of my CDs in alphabetical order so every time I got a new CD I had to completely reorganize my CD wallet. Now I hold all of those albums plus hundreds more in the palm of my hand.
The iPod has also added to my quality of life in a way I did not expect. Now, when people ask me if I’ve heard that new Christian band on Christian radio, I can tell them that I don’t really listen to Christian radio because I have my iPod. I don’t always listen to Christian music on my iPod but I let them assume that I do. If someone wants to think that my iPod is more of a christPod, who am I to burst their bubble?
Should someone discover that you have more than just Christian music on your iPod, though, your iPod is no longer an excuse for not listening to Christian radio. Here are some other excuses for not listening to Christian radio.
Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey not only authored the Financial Peace University material that you or your friends are currently going through, but he also has a wildly popular syndicated radio show. When confronted about your inability to listen to Christian radio, just say that you only listen to Dave Ramsey. You listen to his show when he’s live and his podcast when he’s not. Tell your Christian-radio-loving friend that you are currently in Baby Step #2 and are attacking it with gazelle intensity. Tell your friend that Christian radio is like a lion trying to take you down and keep you off track. So until you are really living like no one else, there is no room in your life for Christian radio. Besides, the constant pledge drives might pluck your heartstrings and you might sign up for a credit card just to hear more BarlowGirl.
Secular Culture
Jesus tells his followers to be in the world but not of the world. You can make the excuse that secular radio gives you insight into the dominant culture of our society. It’s not that you want to listen to “Firework” by Katy Perry, but how can you effectively engage culture without keeping abreast of it? I work with students so, even though he makes my ears bleed, I have to know something about Justin Bieber. By listening to secular music to better understand secular culture, you’re doing the exact same thing. You have to be very careful, though, because if you start humming “Tonight’s Gonna Be a Good Night” or singing “Poker Face” at your church’s annual poker tournament, you’ll be in trouble. You’ll have gone from someone striving to plant the word of God in the hearts of others, to someone with the word of GaGa planted in yours.
Too Performance-Oriented
Some Christians only listen to Christian radio so they can tell their Christian friends that they only listen to Christian radio. Christians only listening to Christian radio so they can tell people they only listen to Christian radio is a lot like Christians cancelling their cable so they can tell their Christian friends they cancelled their cable. So if you have one of those holier-than-thou Christian radio listeners questioning your listening habits, pull out the “Too Performance-Oriented” card. It’s like the race card for Christians. You can say that you would listen to Christian radio, but you feel like the industry has gotten too worldly and that the artists have forgotten that they play for an audience of one. I don’t’ believe that and you probably don’t either, but it’s a good card to play.
Even though it’s not my favorite, I know a large number of people are encouraged by the ministry of Christian radio. A lot of people draw nearer to God because of Christian radio and I absolutely have nothing against that. Personally, though, I prefer to draw nearer to God by different means. I’d much rather listen to sports talk while I drive and draw nearer to God when I read. If I happen to land on Christian radio, though, and enjoy the song that’s on, I’ll be more than happy sit, listen and use that moment to glorify God.
When I get back to secular radio, though, maybe I could glorify God by telling him he’s a firework, letting his colors burst.
What is your attitude toward Christian radio?
I love Christian radio but I listen to other stuff too.
Pet peeve: christian radio stations that brag they have no commercials, but make more announcements than any secular station. Regarding Barlow girls: I would pledge money if they would pledge to stop playing Barlow girls on the radio. Idea: I’ll put some music in the background next time my kids are whining and record it… Maybee they’ll get a record deal too.
I do like how commercial-free doesn’t apply to ministries talking about their ministries.
Take it easy on BarlowGirl; I have a soft place for them in my heart.