I’ve documented the time I invested in Dragon Age: Origins. I spent close to 60 hours playing the game but it could have been longer had I not used the game guide. The guide provides all sorts of information but the most useful part is the walkthrough. The walkthrough basically tells the player every step he or she needs to take and what consequences will result from every action.
I wish that life had a walkthrough.
Who wouldn’t want a step-by-step guide to live their life? If you ever came to a crossroads in your life you could simply reference the walkthrough and make the choice that led to your desired outcome. Instead of fretting over potentially life-altering decisions, you could just look ahead in the guide, see how things turn out and act appropriately.
If life had a walkthrough, it would be free from worry.
If life had a walkthrough, it would also be free from faith.
If we knew how our lives were going to turn out, if we could see how every decision was going to affect us, we wouldn’t need to place that much faith in God. Instead of trusting in his goodness and purpose for our lives, we would trust in our ability to choose what was right based upon our walkthroughs. Our lives would lack all the fret and worry that come from the unknown. But our lives would also lack the freedom and vitality that come from placing our lives in God’s hands and stepping out in faith.
I enjoy being able to say I don’t know where my life will lead me. Right now I enjoy living in southern California and if God wants me to stay here for the rest of my life, that would be great. If he wants to move me to San Diego, that would be even better. But even if he has me move to Wisconsin to live among the cheeseheads, there will be freedom and excitement knowing that I’m where God wants me to be.
If I had a walkthrough I would choose the path that led to San Diego even if it wasn’t the path that God wanted for me. Since none of us have a walkthrough, we’re forced to place our faith in God. We trust that if we honor him and follow him daily, eventually his purpose for our lives will be realized and we’ll end up right where he wants us to be – without the aid of a walkthrough.
And hopefully someplace warmer than Wisconsin.
I still would like a walkthrough though. ^o^ Life would me so much easier. For example, I;m majoring in Microbiology. Why did I decide to do that ? Because my sister is a microbiologist, and is now doing well financially. So, I’m walk the same path, , and hope for the best. Life is hard enough even with a walkthrough. Peace!
My wife is a biology major and I didn’t need a walkthrough to know I didn’t want to go down that path.
Good post. Something I needed this week.
I have to say at this point in my life a walk through would be nice. It would be amazing to know where my career will go or who I’ll marry. I’ve never been at such an open place in all of my life. But I suppose God wants to use it.