For the past seven days, the #1 search which has led people to this blog has been “adult movies”.
The post which has created all this adult-oriented traffic can be found here. I appreciate the traffic but I can’t help but feel a little bad for the people who end up at this blog from that search. Somehow I don’t think that someone searching “adult movies” is looking for the nerdy musings of a youth pastor. Their expectations are met with certain disappointment when they realize that the only adult movies mentioned on this blog are Spaceballs and Ghostbusters.
I recently read a quote that said disappointment is always rooted in expectation.
If someone was expecting to find some hot, Christian, nerd movies on this blog, those expectations led to disappointment. If they had no expectations for what they would find on this blog, then there’s a good chance they wouldn’t have been disappointed.
Even if we’re not searching the Internet for porn, there’s a good chance we’ve been disappointed because of our unmet expectations. Whenever we set ourselves up with some expectations, if those expectations aren’t meant, we’ll end up disappointed. This happens with relationships, restaurants, vacations and movies.
Is it worth lowering our expectations to limit our disappointment?
In some cases I don’t mind lowering my expectations to limit my disappointment. For most of the popcorn flicks I watch, I lower my expectations so I feel like I didn’t waste my money on the movie ticket.
When dealing with people, though, it’s a little more difficult. If I lower my expectations for another person then I won’t be disappointed when they fail. However, if I don’t raise my expectations for another person then I won’t be able to encourage them to grow and expand.
Expectations and disappointment are somewhat of a Catch-22.
Which leads me to again ask the question in hopes of hearing your response: is it worth lowering our expectations to limit our disappointment?
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