To save money, I’ve been without cable TV for 10 months now and I still miss it.
I thought that as time progressed my desire to flip through hundreds of channels would eventually diminish.
I thought that as time progressed I would find more spiritual activities to fill my time.
I thought that as time progressed I would find as much beauty and joy in a sunset as I do in high definition sports.
I thought wrong.
My desire for cable TV hasn’t lessened at all. In fact, absence has made my heart grow fonder. I miss sitting at home on a weeknight and watching Man vs. Food, Dirty Jobs or whatever basic cable classic is on FX. I miss having almost endless programming options and still saying that there’s nothing on. I miss everything about TV.
But I miss live sports most.
The NBA Playoffs have really brought my desire for cable TV to the forefront of my mind. On Monday night there was triple overtime game. Last night I had to go to my sister’s house to see the Heat eliminate the Celtics. I’m a giant nerd but I love sports and I love watching live sports, especially in high definition. Without cable I have no way to watch TNT or ESPN. Instead of seeing what’s happening live, I follow along on Twitter while adjusting my antenna to watch I Love Lucy.
Some might suggest that not having cable TV can draw a family closer together. I agree with that as long as the family isn’t replacing cable TV with Netflix and Hulu. I haven’t had cable TV for the first nine months of my marriage. I don’t think the absence of cable TV has drawn my wife and me closer together. It actually may have done the opposite because she’s had to put up with my complaining for nine months about not watching Sportscenter.
A lot of people have made the decision to cut out cable TV. I affirm that decision for those people and would do nothing to change their minds. However, I miss cable TV and I’m not afraid to say it.
Hopefully that doesn’t make me a wordly Christian, just one who likes ESPN.
What are your feelings toward cable TV?
It’s even harder during football season. I’m feeling you brother.
The NFL has a lot of games on network TV and all of their playoff games. The NBA has a lot of playoff games on cable.
Sounds like a good opportunity to grow closer and bond with friends who have Cable TV. I find that summer helps me reconnect with friends who have pools and boats. I’m sure thats coincidental though.
I think that the lack of cable TV is a good thing overall. It is a luxury that we really don’t need; and, not having it seems to add hours to the day. Most that is on cable can be gotten other places. I do miss the sports though, especially during play-offs and football seasons.
That’s what I’m saying. I miss live sports the most.
I know how you feel. I haven’t had cable for almost the same amount of time and i’m missing it like crazy ! ii miss watching all of the hundreds of show. Watching t.v from an antenna stinks! I keep telling my mom to please pay for it but she keeps saying that theres no money right now . Plus, I miss when I up in the used to get up in the morning and watch my favorite show ion my favorite channel.
I will try to keep doing EVERYTHING I can to put cable back into my life again.
I understand what you mean.. I like to have cable but at the same time I’m conflicted morally and spiritually BC of the immorality that’s on television these days. Now, I’m just trying to wean myself from watching TV for 8 hours to like 2. I have actually shown myself that I can do it and that I don’t need to be dependent on cable TV anyway.
However, I watch Korean TV shows to get away from American television… which is pretty refreshing BC there isn’t they aren’t constantly talking about sex and how to get laid.
So maybe you should try branching out and watch different things. I have and it’s a big
relief, BC I don’t feel like I have to stay restricted to a certain TV genre.