As I write this my wife is playing Little Big Planet of her own accord. She’s awesome and has definitely spent more time with a controller in her hand this week than I have. I haven’t played video games much this week because my friend accidentally took my copy of Dragon Age: Origins 2 and I wasn’t able to get it back for a few days.
Needless to say I was crushed.
I missed having my video game for a few days but when I miss spending time with Jesus for a few days, I don’t really miss it.
Needless to say, when I came to that realization, I was crushed.
It sucks that I missed leveling up my virtual character more than I would have missed Jesus. I love video games and I think they’re a great way to relax and unwind. However, I don’t think I should miss video games more than I miss Jesus or sitting in his presence.
Jesus is always available for me whenever I need him or whenever it’s most convenient for me. I don’t always have time to play video games. Sometimes I’m too tired, sometimes it’s too late, sometimes I’m too busy or sometimes Alycia would rather me spend time with her than Master Chief. So this week when I was ready to play video games and denied the opportunity, I got upset.
I’m never denied the opportunity to spend time with Jesus; he’s always open to me. My relationship with Jesus is like Vegas sans the strippers and gambling: it’s open and available all the time. Unlike my copy of Dragon Age: Origins 2, there’s really no opportunity for my relationship with Jesus to be taken or kept from me. And since that relationship is so accessible I devalue it and take it for granted.
Jesus deserves more than an attitude that takes him for granted. And just because he is completely accessible doesn’t mean I’m jumping at the opportunity to spend time with him. Jesus is always available; I just need to align all of my priorities around that reality. Since Jesus is always there I should always be seeking ways to spend time with him, whether I’m reading the Bible, sitting in church or leveling up my warrior.
How do you keep from taking time with Jesus for granted?
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