Make this man famous.
I got home from youth group last night and my Facebook and Twitter had blown up with #Kony2012 and a link to the video you can watch below.
Joseph Kony is the head of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Central Africa. The LRA is responsible for kidnapping children from their villages. The girls are forced to become sex slaves. The boys are forced to become soldiers whose orders include killing their own parents and mutilating the faces of others.
Joseph Kony is an evil man and he needs to be stopped.
The Kony 2012 campaign seeks to make his name the most recognized on the planet. With that amount of notoriety and pressure, the worldwide community would be forced to increase its efforts to arrest him and bring the man to justice.
The video is powerful. If you have the time, take 30 minutes to educate yourself and learn what you can do.
If you don’t have 30 minutes right now, though, here are some immediate steps you can take.
- Visit
- Sign the petition
- Purchase the Action Kit
- Spread the word through Twitter, Facebook and other social media
We’re living in an age where social media and technology can be used to make an actual difference in the world. Unless they push individuals to action, though, they’re just as ineffective as older and less ubiquitous forms of communication.
We may not be able to solve all of the world’s problems but that shouldn’t keep us from trying to solve even just one of the world’s problems.
It’s up to us to choose how we will respond.
How will you respond?
need to make this man famous. What would you do if someone kidnaped your child?
I’m sorry. I don’t understand the question.