Someone’s making an Avengers porn.
What the crap?
I read that news yesterday and couldn’t help but shake my head. It shouldn’t be all that surprising. There are porn parodies of lots of different nerdclinations, including Star Wars. I suppose if people are excited about seeing the Avengers battle Loki and his secret army, then there are probably people excited to see the Avengers have sex with each other.
Thankfully I’m not one of those people. That has nothing to do with me, though, and everything to do with Jesus.
We obviously live in a hyper-sexualized culture where porn parodies are the norm and their stars are celebrated celebrities. When it comes to sexuality, our culture is so broken and so twisted that God’s intention for sexuality is almost impossible to see. And I know if it wasn’t for God’s grace I might be just as excited to see the Avengers undress as I am to see them assemble.
As Christians, when we examine and critique culture, we need to so with a tremendous amount of grace. Ranting and railing against a hyper-sexualized culture won’t convince anyone to reassess their view of sexuality. We have to admit that the only reason we have any inkling of what right sexuality looks like is because God has transformed our understanding through his grace.
This goes beyond sexuality.
Any time we seek to point out God’s truth in culture we have to do so with a humble heart. Again, the only reason we can even see God’s truth in a movie, television show, book or video game is because of God’s grace. And instead of getting frustrated at a world that’s blind to God’s truth, we can act as gracious guides to help reveal that truth, only because it’s been graciously revealed to us.
So while there isn’t any truth to point on in the Avengers porn, we can stand as truth-bearers. We can share with those around us that any pornography is wrong and a perversion of God’s intention for sex, especially if it stars Chyna as She-Hulk. As we bear that truth, though, we need to do so with grace and humility, knowing that we would be just as blind if it weren’t for the grace shown to us.
How do you graciously bear God’s truth to those around you?
“the only reason we can even see God’s truth in a movie, television show, book or video game is because of God’s grace. And instead of getting frustrated at a world that’s blind to God’s truth, we can act as gracious guides to help reveal that truth, only because it’s been graciously revealed to us.” — Perfectly said. Thank you, Scott.
Yep, I’m quoting that one, too.