Marvel’s movie Guardians of the Galaxy is scheduled to begin shooting in a few months. While the movie has its director in James Gunn, there haven’t been any announcements about actors filling the roles of Star-Lord, Drax, Groot and Gamora. There also haven’t been any announcements concerning the role of Rocket Raccoon but some recent rumors might show us the direction Marvel is going.
Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey are rumored to be up for the same role or separate roles in Guardians of the Galaxy. Numerous nerd websites think that they would be perfect for the voiceover work of Rocket Raccoon, the anthropomorphic raccoon member of the Guardians. I haven’t read the comics yet, but I imagine a character named “Rocket Raccoon” brings a little comic relief to the table. Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey would be perfect for that role.
Here are some biblical characters who also brought the comic relief.
I don’t know much about Rocket Raccoon other than he’s a talking raccoon. Balaam didn’t have a talking raccoon but he did have a talking donkey. Balaam wasn’t very funny but I’m always amused by his story. Balaam shouting at his poor donkey always makes me laugh a little bit. The donkey is just trying to save Balaam’s life but Balaam just yells and yells. In my mind I picture Balaam going off on his donkey like Happy Gilmore going off on his golf ball. “Are you too good for your home, donkey?!”
Elijah is hilarious! I love the story of his showdown with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. It’s great that God shows up and proves that he is infinitely more powerful than a false god. But my favorite part is how Elijah mocks and makes fun of the prophets of Baal. Elijah tells Baal’s prophets to shout louder because their god might be asleep or traveling. I’m a rather sarcastic person so I’m encouraged by Elijah’s sarcasm. Though mocking Baal’s prophets is probably more acceptable than mocking high school students.
There isn’t much written about the disciple Thaddeus. Peter, James and John get the most press but Thaddeus was definitely the funniest. He was probably the one cracking the jokes around the campfire, saying things to Jesus like, “Who do you think you are, the Son of God?” Every group of guys has the funny guy and, independent of any biblical basis, I’m saying the disciples’ funny guy was Thaddeus.
Every story needs a little comic relief. Data brought it to The Next Generation and the Hulk brought it to The Avengers. Even a book as serious as the Bible needs a little comic relief because God created humor in the first place.
What other biblical characters brought some comic relief?
“Elijah tells Baal’s prophets to shout louder because their god might be asleep or traveling” – or, if I remember learning about one Hebrew idiom correctly, on the can!
I think Jesus occasionally used comic relief, too. “Get a load of that rich guy! You know, it’d be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for guys like that to get into heaven!” And paying the temple tax with a penny from a fish’s mouth? That’s classic! Plus, his naming of Simon Peter tells us he wasn’t above a good pun when it prevented itself: “I tell you, thou art Rocky…”
I think there’s an old book entitled “The Humor of Christ” by Elton Trueblood…. I’ve not read it, but one of my pastors in college was quite fond of it.
Another great post, Scott. I hope you are assembling some of these into a book – it’d be a good one!
I remember hearing about Baal relieving himself somewhere, but I didn’t want to put it in, just in case it was my hopeful thinking.
I love thinking of Jesus just hanging out with his disciples around the camp fire. We always get such a somber image of Jesus but somber people don’t attract others like Jesus did. I’m sure he was fun to be around, not just for sermons and miracles, but just for a laugh and a good story.
And the book idea is floating around somewhere, just not sure what it looks like yet. Thanks for the encouragement, Mike, and your faithful reading and commenting. I appreciate you.