I feel like I’m pretty knowledgeable about Christian culture. I don’t listen to Christian radio but I have a good idea about who and what is popular in the world of Christianity.
I play Settlers of Catan.
I know a few Jesus Culture songs.
I know that Katy Perry is a pastor’s kid.
I know a lot about Christian culture but I was totally blindsided by Duck Dynasty.
One of the biggest reasons I missed everything about Duck Dynasty is that I don’t have cable. I miss out on a lot of things because I don’t have cable. I watch a lot of old 30 Rock on Netflix and I sometimes watch The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on my computer. Other than that, I’m pretty oblivious to what’s new on television.
Even if I had cable, though, I would have missed out on Duck Dynasty because I don’t watch a lot of reality television. I don’t like most reality television and unless something gets glowing praise from the people I trust, I’ll probably never watch it. The only episode of Survivor I ever watched was the first season’s finale. I’ve never watched an episode of The Bachelor and I am sure it would make by head explode with rage if I did.
So I don’t have cable and I don’t like reality television. Those are two big obstacles to my knowledge of Duck Dynasty.
I’ve never seen an episode of Duck Dynasty. Everything I know about them I’ve gleaned from friends and Morrissey’s feud with the Duck Dynasty boys over an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live. From what I can tell, though, people like them because they’re funny, living out their dream and staying true to themselves. Christians like them because staying true to themselves means wearing their faith on their sleeves.
I loved the boys’ response when Morrissey refused to appear with them on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Morrissey said he couldn’t appear with anyone who “amount[s] to animal serial killers.” During their segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Phil Robertson (who I assume is one of the Duck Dynasty gang) said this:
“Whoever the guy is, if he wants to eat vegetables, no problem. We don’t mind. If somebody says, ‘Y’all eat ducks?’ We’re like, ‘Yeah.’ We don’t hold it against him at all. Whoever he is, we love him as our neighbor.”
They responded very much like Jesus; I would have responded very differently. Based on their response to Morrissey, I really do like them. I’m not planning on going out and buying the DVDs of their show, but I wouldn’t mind watching it on my computer.
What are your thoughts about Duck Dynasty?
I came across your blog post while doing some research as a follow up to my own Duck Dynasty blog post. They end every show around the large family dinner table and a prayer. It’s also said that A&E cuts a lot of their Christian references during every day life out of the show. I can see where if it were too faith centered it would be on another channel entirely, but it’s definitely a show worth watching.
Thanks for your comment! I was actually able to see my first full episode of Duck Dynasty last week. I enjoyed the episode quite a bit.