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There are a lot of stereotypes for nerds, some negative and some positive. Some of the negative ones are that nerds are socially awkward, unathletic and incapable of talking to girls. A positive stereotype, though, is that nerds are smart and do well in school.
I’m definitely not the smartest person I know but I’m also no dummy. I did well in school up until the sixth grade but decided to be less nerdy and my grades suffered for it. From the seventh grade on I wasn’t that interested in school. Even when I got into seminary I wasn’t terribly excited to go to class or do homework.
Even though I didn’t like school that much, I’ve always enjoyed learning. I love hearing from experts, either in person or in a book, and gleaning something new. I love learning new information and applying it to my life. I love seeing something from a completely different perspective, one that I had never even thought of before.
This week I am at Catalyst, a leadership conference targeted towards young people. Thankfully I’m still young enough to fit in and thankfully I’ve already been able to learn so much. I’ve already heard from great speakers like Dr. Henry Cloud, Lysa TerKeurst and Simon Sinek.
Learning new information and gleaning insight from others allows us to become more like Christ. Learning is a process just like sanctification. New information gives us deeper insight into our lives and our pursuit of Christ. As we learn something new we can apply it to our lives, changing patterns of behavior or habits of thought to fall more in line with Jesus.
Even if we never liked school we still need to be fans of learning. Learning allows us to renew our minds, which puts us in a position for the Holy Spirit to transform us. Whether we learn from God’s word, different books, conference speakers or just a wise friend, we need to be learners.
We may be finished with school but we’re never finished with learning.
In what ways do you keep learning?
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