Over the weekend Marvel announced changes for two of their upcoming projects. Edgar Wright has left his duties as director for Ant-Man and Drew Goddard stepped down as the showrunner for Daredevil.
I’m a little bummed that Wright has left Ant-Man. Rumors suggest that there were creative differences between him and Marvel. I only know Wright from his work on Hot Fuzz but I was looking forward to his vision of Ant-Man as a hero with a dubious past and questionable morality.
Drew Goddard left Daredevil to direct the Sinister Six movie, a split that seems more amicable than Wright’s. Goddard will stay on as consultant for the Daredevil show and will help bring it to Netflix. I don’t know much about Goddard’s work so I can’t say if he was a good fit for Daredevil. As a Marvel Cinematic Universe apologist, though, I still can’t wait to see the Man Without Fear enter the fray.
It shouldn’t be a surprise that Marvel is going through some changes because change is an inevitable part of life.
Edgar Wright had been attached to Ant-Man since 2006. He spent almost a decade with that movie racing around his mind. And now, just like that, he’s done with it.
Drew Goddard had been attached to Daredevil for a few months, helping bring Matt Murdock back to life after Ben Affleck had killed him. And now, when another opportunity came along, he made a change.
I really don’t like change.
I don’t like that Ant-Man changed directors, something that has very little effect on my life.
I also don’t like changes that have a large effect on my life.
I hate when my friends leave and move away. I deal with that change by feigning anger to cover up my sadness.
In the past I’ve hated having to leave a home or a church, even though leaving opened me up to great opportunities.
Some people are wired for change, they get bored easily and are constantly looking for something new. I’m very much a creature of habit and like things to stay the same. So when change happens or even the thought of change happens, I cringe and pray that everything will stay the same.
Thankfully, though, God doesn’t always answer those prayers.
If our situations never changed then God couldn’t lead us to something new and better.
If we never changed then we’d be stuck in the same place forever.
If we never had to face hard changes then we’d never be forced to trust in our God who never changes.
We may not like change but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good thing. The hardest changes in my life have led to some of my greatest opportunities.
I don’t know if that will be true for Edgar Write and Drew Goddard, but if we place our hope in God, it will definitely be true for us.
How do you deal with change?
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