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Time to get back to real life.
Well at least as real as life gets for a youth pastor.
After a month of VBS, summer camp and national holidays, it’s time to get back to the office and all-day meetings.
The last month has been an amazing season of ministry. I’ve seen God do some amazing things both in my life and the lives of our students. It has been a long season and I only made it through by God’s grace and the power of his Holy Spirit.
It’s easy for me to rely on God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit during a busy season. When I was running around at VBS, trying to stay away with high school students or playing games with junior high students, I knew that I needed to rely on God.
When I’m at home, though, and just going through the motions of my normal life, it’s easy to think that I can make it on my own.
I need God when I’m hanging out with a few students just as much as when I’m in front of 300 kids at VBS.
I need God when I’m sitting in a planning meeting just as much as when I’m sitting in chapel at high school camp.
I need God when I’m spending time with him at home just as much as when I’m worshiping him with a bunch of junior high students.
The unreal life of the past month couldn’t have happened without God. I need God just as much in my real life, though, as I do in my unreal life.
So whether we’re taking meetings, serving customers, watching the kids, sitting in traffic or doing homework, we need God. As great as he seems in our unreal lives, he’s just as great in our real, ordinary, normal lives.
What helps you pursue God even in the mundane?
After 80+ years following Jesus I have learned to know I need Him just as much today. What a blessing to know Him!