I listen to a lot of sports talk radio. Well, not really a lot of sports talk radio, but just a lot of one show in particular. The Petros and Money Show is my favorite sports talk show. What I don’t hear live I listen to on podcast the next day. I love how they mix sports and pop culture, creating a truly unique listening experience.
One of the hosts, Petros, has coined the term baditude. Baditude is a conjunction for “bad attitude.” So if a player is upset with his contract or playing time, it could be said that he has a baditude.
Unfortunately, it could be said that all of us have a baditude at some point or another.
In Philippians 2 Paul wrote:
Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.
We live in world of grumblers, complainers and arguers. People who have baditudes surround us. And very often we can be counted among their number. We like to think that we have baditudes thrust upon us, that our situations or circumstances force us to grumble and complain. That’s just not true, though.
We choose to grumble.
We choose to complain.
We choose to have a baditude.
We cannot control all the circumstances in our lives but we can definitely control how we respond to them.
We choose to grumble or glorify.
We choose to complain or encourage.
We choose to have a baditude or a good attitude, a gooditude if you would.
The problem with choosing a baditude is that it blinds us to God’s provision and goodness. God blesses us so much every day, in so many ways that we don’t even acknowledge. Choosing a baditude and complaining keeps us from experiencing God’s goodness and expressing gratefulness for it.
So the next time we’re tempted to complain or embrace a baditude, we need to remember how good God is and all the ways that he has blessed us. Unless, of course, we’re complaining about Greedo shooting first or the Batsuit having nipples.
What helps you not have a baditude?
This post sucks, Scott!
Just kidding, of course. Good words, as ever! Usually, morning prayer can help me get over myself and my baditudes. The psalm-singers knew how to count their blessings and recount the marvelous deeds of the Lord.
A litle less spiritually minded, ice cream can also do wonders.
I’m envisioning a geeky-themed sermons series for you now on Matthew 5: “From Baditude to Beatitude!”
Blessings on your day!