This past weekend our church began a new sermon series. It’s titled David: An Honest Life. We’re examining David and his ability to be honest about his life before God, the good and the bad. David is a central biblical figure and we can all benefit by looking at his life. As our church goes through its series I’ll blog some thoughts about the previous weekend’s sermon.
This past weekend we looked at 1 Samuel 16. God finally decides to move on from Saul as king of Israel. God calls Samuel and tells him to go to Bethlehem to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as the next king. Eliab, one of Jesse’s sons, looks impressive, perhaps as tall and imposing as Israel’s first king. Samuel thought that surely Eliab was God’s anointed. However, God responds to Samuel with one of the Bible’s most profound statements:
“Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
David wasn’t chosen because he was the tallest, the strongest or even the oldest. David wasn’t even considered important enough to come to the party. God didn’t look at anything on the outside, though; he looked at David’s heart.
Saul was head and shoulders taller than anyone in Israel. On the outside he looked like a king. However Saul’s heart was far from God. And even though David didn’t necessarily look like a king, he was a man after God’s own heart.
God didn’t choose David because of anything on the surface. And he doesn’t choose us because of anything on the surface. God chooses each of us because he loves us and we are his children. If we respond to God’s call, he not only chooses us but he also uses us. God chooses us so that he can use us to make a difference in this world.
In this world we often feel like a kid standing on the playground hoping we’re not picked last. We never have to worry about that with God. Even if we’re not the tallest, prettiest or smartest, God will still choose us. He wants us on his team. He picks all of us first.
How do you trust that God chooses you? How do you think God wants to use you?
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