Yesterday I wrote about Steph Curry’s adorable daughter, Riley. Riley stole the show during Curry’s postgame press conference on Tuesday night. I loved the attention that Curry paid to his daughter, letting her know that she was more important than the reporters gathered in the press room.
I love moments like that because children are precious. While we’re all born with the stain of sin, children are pretty much a blank slate. Depending on the environment in which their raised and how much love they receive, children have almost limitless potential.
I’m not a parent yet, but I’m excited to have children of my own. I’m excited to raise them in the way of the Lord and tell them that they can do amazing things for God’s kingdom. And even though I can’t protect them from all of the evil and darkness in this world, I want to help them navigate their way through it.
Much like what happened for the Batkid.
In November 2013, Miles Scott had the chance to be Batkid and save Gotham (San Francisco in disguise) from an array of villains. Scott, a five-year-old leukemia survivor, had his wish to be Batman come true thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. It was a heart-warming story of people from all over the world coming together to support a little boy. And now you can watch the trailer for the documentary of that special day.
I’m not going to lie, that trailer made me tear up a little bit. I’m not an emotional person, but I’m passionate for children and young people – and so was Jesus. I can’t imagine everyone who gathered to make Scott’s day special was a Christian, but they definitely followed Jesus’s example in making at least one child feel special. Jesus saves some of his harshest criticism for those who would lead children astray. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not be thrown into a lake with a millstone tied around my neck.
Raising children and ushering them into adulthood aren’t the sole responsibilities of parents; it’s up to grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers and everyone else. And if we’re followers of Jesus, then we have an even greater mandate. Jesus told us not to hinder children, and the best way to do that is to help propel them forward.
What adults helped propel you forward when you were younger?
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