There is so much in our universe that is completely unknown to us. We know something about the planets in our own solar system, but after that we’re pretty clueless. We know that there billions of stars with billions more planets, but we don’t know anything about them. Maybe V’ger really will come back to us someday and let us know what’s out there. Until then, though, it’s pretty much unknown.
Unfortunately most of our lives are just as unknown as the furthest reaches of the universe.
The unknown produces fear in our lives. When we’re little we’re scared of the dark because the dark is unknown. We don’t know for sure if there isn’t a monster hiding in our closet or aliens peering in our bedroom window. As we get older we leave behind our fear of the dark but there’s still plenty left unknown.
We don’t know what job we’ll have in the future.
We don’t know if our loved ones will get cancer.
We don’t know how we’re going to pay for college.
We don’t know if we’ll ever find a spouse.
Some of those questions aren’t unknown to me anymore, but it’s not like getting married erased all my fears and answered all of my questions. We’re always going to have some unknowns in our lives and those can produce fear.
We’re scared because we don’t know what’s going to happen. And even if we place our faith in God in the midst of our fears, we still won’t know what’s going to happen. We’ll still face the unknown, but at least we’ll know the God who walks with us.
I wish that God gave us a roadmap to our lives when we stepped out in faith when facing our fears. How amazing would it be to get guided directions for everything you’d ever face?
“Job loss ahead. Take this detour.”
“Turn left ahead to be a great parent.”
“Slow down to avoid missing this opportunity.”
A map like that would eliminate all of the unknown and take away all of our fears. However, it would also eliminate any need for actual faith.
Stepping out in faith isn’t going to remove our fears, but it will help us to keep moving forward regardless of them. Even when we step out in faith, the fears we experience are still going to be there, but trusting in God allows us to look to him instead of focusing on our fears. And even though things are still unknown, stepping out in faith allows us to cling to the God who we can know.
What helps you step out in faith in the midst of your fears?
Scott- Enjoyed this post as it relates to so many “if’s” & “if only’s” that exist in life. Having God allows me to have hope built on faith. Without that kind of relationship with God, hope becomes an empty word, an expression of wishes. Thx- Paula
Thanks, Paula.