This week’s episode of The Christian Nerd Podcast is all about our destinines: with our phones, with our sanctification and with Destiny. Scott and Ron kick off the episode by discussing all of the different phone plan options in Nerd News. Ron shares about his experience playing Destiny in From the Blog and how it made him a worse person. In Back to Seminary Scott and Ron share their thoughts on becoming more like Jesus and why it can be so difficult. They then share their progress in My Fatness Pal and finish off the episode with Tweet of the Week.
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Show Notes
Intro – 0:00
Opening quote: “Yes. Yes. I’m George. George McFly. I’m your density. I mean, your destiny.” – George McFly
Nerd News – 6:14
Contracts available for everyone
Monthly Plans
Next 24 is a 30 month payment plan. After 24 months you can trade the phone in for a new one; after 30 months the phone is paid off.
Next 18 is a 24 month payment plan. After 18 months you can trade in; the phone is paid off after 24.
Next 12 is a 20 month payment plan. After 12 months you can trade in; the phone is paid off after 20.
Contracts for those who already had contracts
The Verizon Plan
Buy your phone outright
Use Verizon’s payment plan for your phone ($27/month for the 16 GB iPhone)
Finance your phone directly through Apple ($32.41/month for the 16 GB iPhon with Apple Care+) and take it to whatever carrier you like.
Can only be done through the Apple Store.
Sponsor – 20:49
From The Blog – 23:30
“Destiny” at The Christian Nerd
Back to Seminary – 38:42
Halo theme
My Fatness Pal – 51:18
Scott’s total weight loss: 4.11%
Ron’s total weight loss: 3.10%
Tweet of the Week – 56:29
The New Batman/Superman Adventures theme
Batman: The Animated Series theme
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Thanks to Nick for The Christian Nerd theme music.
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