My sister texted me this week and said that these “to be continued” episodes of Doctor Who are killing her. I had yet to watch “The Zygon Invasion,” but all of the episode titles have alluded to two-part episodes. Of all the first-parts of this season, “The Zygon Invasion” definitely had the biggest cliffhanger. I felt like I was watching Captain Picard as Locutis again. Thankfully, instead of having to wait an entire summer, we only have to wait a week.
I enjoyed this episode of Doctor Who but it felt a little disjointed due to all the different locales. Though separating Clara from the Doctor definitely paid off in the end. It was an exciting episode and I can’t wait for “The Zygon Inversion.”
Here are some other thoughts I had while watching “The Zygon Invasion.”
Amazing Grace
I’m a big fan of the Doctor’s guitar playing abilities. If I had been alive for centuries I would definitely have learned how to play a few instruments. The Doctor’s song of choice, though, was a little puzzling. The Doctor doesn’t seem like a very religious Time Lord, yet he still hangs around the T.A.R.D.I.S. playing “Amazing Grace.” For the past season and a half, though, the Doctor has been on his own little journey of redemption. Even if he doesn’t believe in our God who showed us amazing grace, perhaps he still understands his need to both receive and extend grace to others.
“You left us with an impossible situation, Doctor.” “Yes. I know. It’s called peace.”
The Doctor seemingly has a lot of patience. In spite on humanity’s desire to blow itself or anyone else up, he keeps coming back and hoping that we can be better. I do agree with Kate, though, because peace is an impossible situation for humanity on its own. We’re broken people, bent as C.S. Lewis puts it in Out of the Silent Planet. And because of our brokenness, peace is never going to be an option on our own. We’re selfish and can’t ever fully understand the situation of another. Through Jesus, though, we have the opportunity for peace. He is the Prince of Peace and we can be agents of that peace in this world. The only hope we have for the cessation of violence in this world and the completion of all things is through Jesus. Like the Doctor, Jesus hopes we can do better; unlike the Doctor, though, Jesus can actually bring about a lasting peace.
A couple of bad Zygons really ruined it for everyone else. Most of the Zygons were happy to live among humanity, because that is better than not living at all. However, some more zealous and extreme Zygons wanted something different and were willing to kill in order to get it. I imagine some of the less extreme Zygons were upset at the ones who were making them look bad. I have the same reaction when I see Christians picketing soldiers’ funerals or taking advantage of those in need. There are so many stories about Christians not acting like Jesus, which makes the rest of us look bad. I’m not perfect by any means, but I also don’t think I live in such a way that would embarrass other followers of Jesus. We just need to live lives that shine Jesus’ light bright enough to push out the darkness of those who claim Jesus yet live nothing like he did.
“The Zygon Invasion” was a good episode and left me on the edge of my seat. Like most episodes of Doctor Who, this episode also had some depth to go along with its science fiction goodness.
What did you think of “The Zygon Invasion?”
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