Mighty Morphin Power Rangers premiered in 1993 right before the start of my seventh grade year. That summer was tremendously significant in my life. After getting teased and bullied during my entire sixth grade year, I decided that I didn’t want to be as nerdy. I figured that if I was less expressive with my nerdiness then I wouldn’t get teased as much.
So instead of talking about Star Trek and playing X-Men during recess like I did in the sixth grade, I steered clear of anything remotely nerdy. This set a pattern for the next nine years of my life in which I pretty much pretended to be someone else. I got really excited for Episode I and still watched Star Trek, but not too excited and I never mentioned the Enterprise at school.
Power Rangers was one of the first victims of my new outlook on life. I watched it every day because I liked the fighting and thought that the Pink Ranger probably didn’t have cooties. Instead of sharing my excitement over Zords and the Green Ranger, though, I kept my feelings to myself because I didn’t want the seventh grade to mirror the sixth grade.
So when it was announced yesterday that Elizabeth Banks would be playing Rita Repulsa in the upcoming movie I was a little torn. The movie is another reboot, going back to the original five Rangers. The Power Rangers timeline is more convoluted than DC and its infinite reboots, so a fresh start seems like a good call. I hid my passion for Power Rangers when I was 11 because I didn’t want to get mocked. And now, 23 years later, I still don’t want to get mocked. I’m obviously a lot more open about my nerdiness, but watching a new Power Rangers movie might be going a little too far.
I really didn’t have any desire to see the new Power Rangers movie, but Elizabeth Banks’ involvement has piqued my interest. She’s a great actress and I can only imagine how much fun she will have playing an over-the-top character like Rita Repulsa. If I want to see the movie and watch Banks chew scenery, then I shouldn’t be ashamed of that.
I spent years denying who God had created me to be all because I cared too much what others thought. I’ve been embracing my nerdiness for years, especially with The Christian Nerd. As long as those closest to me love me and aren’t taking exception with my choices, then I’m going to be the biggest nerd that I can be.
Even if that means seeing a new Power Rangers movie.
What helps you be comfortable with how God created you?
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