Agent Carter is truly hilarious. I found myself literally laughing out loud multiple times during this week’s episode “The Atomic Job.” Peggy and Jarvis are quickly becoming two of my favorite television characters of all time. Their relationship is perfect and I love each and every one of their interactions. This episode also advanced the complications between Peggy and Souza, adding more fuel to the Jim and Pam and Sam and Diane nature of their relationship.
Here are some other thoughts I had while watching “The Atomic Job.”
Whitney Frost dreams of a world in which she has unlimited power. Of course in her dream her power leads to a world absent of war and fear. Unfortunately most people who dream of unlimited power usually have delusions of what their power will accomplish. Jesus didn’t have any delusions because he wasn’t an evil genius or a false Messiah. He didn’t need to worry about losing his power because he knew that it couldn’t be taken away, only willingly given up. And even in giving up his power, Jesus modeled his teaching that the last will be first.
We all want to be part of the team. We may laugh about it now, but there was nothing worse than being the last person to get picked for dodge ball. I’ve never felt lonelier than standing alone on the playground as both team captains tried to pawn me off on the other. Dr. Samberly knew that feeling, as he was desperate to make it out of the lab and onto the team. His biting and caustic attitude simply covered up the hurt he felt at not being included. Once he found his place on the team, his attitude changed because he finally found a place to belong and contribute.
I Wanna Be Loved
The song on the radio included the simple lyrics, “I wanna be loved,” to which Dr. Wilkes replied, “Don’t we all?” We all do want to be loved, but that doesn’t have very much to do with hearts, candy and Valentine’s Day. Agent Carter definitely has its share of romantic tension, but it isn’t sappy or overdramatic. I never proposed to someone while in love with another woman, but I understand unrequited love. Most of us probably haven’t disarmed an atomic bomb, but we do know what it’s like to love someone or be scared to let someone love us.
ABC has decided to burn off the remaining episodes of this season two at a time over the next few weeks. That coupled with Hayley Atwell getting cast in another ABC pilot doesn’t bode well for Agent Carter’s future. Hopefully Agent Carter’s critical acclaim and its consistent quality will be enough to warrant a third season.
What did you think of “The Atomic Job?”
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