I didn’t even know that there was going to be a trailer for Rogue One until one of my friends texted me about it. Apparently ABC was aggressively advertising that the trailer would premier on Good Morning America. My friend asked me what Rogue One was and I got excited for the first look at this new expansion of the Star Wars universe.
I liked the trailer; it definitely piques my interest. I mean I was going to see Rogue One no matter what, but it’s not quite the movie I thought it would be. From the trailer it feels different from The Force Awakens, like a Star Wars movie but just a little off. Perhaps it was the was the absence of any Sith or Jedi; it was different, but I liked the difference.
Here are some shots of the trailer along with some thoughts.
- Some idiots on the Internet were really upset about Jyn Erso and her lack of a Y-chromosome. Someone tweeted that we live in a world where we can only dream about having a male protagonist in a Star Wars movie. Apparently Finn, Poe, Han and Chewie don’t count. I’m excited for Jyn just as I am excited for Rey. My daughter needs more women heroes from a galaxy far, far away beyond Leia and Mon Mothma.
- It’s Yavin Base!!! This is part of what I mean it feels like a Star Wars movie, just different. The Force Awakens was supposed to look updated; it takes place 30 years in the future. However Rogue One takes place before A New Hope, but this Yavin Base looks nothing like the Yavin Base from Episode IV. The hangar in A New Hope felt closed and dark, this feels wide open. I like it.
- Mon Mothma is legit. I would be down for an entire movie about Mon Mothma and her role in founding the Rebellion.
- I can’t believe it! They built another Death Star?! With Starkiller Base that’s like four!
- I thought this was Blofeld from Spectre; it is not. It also isn’t Grand Moff Tarkin and it doesn’t look like any of the dudes from the Death Star conference room. He looks menacing. It must be the cape.
- This is another shot that feels like Star Wars but also different. My eyes say Stormtrooper, but the aesthetic is so much different from anything else. Gareth Edwards really looks like he captured the essence of the Star Wars universe while updating it.
- This must be Captain Phasma’s mom.
- Who needs Jedi when you’ve got this guy and his stick?
- I don’t think that’s Darth Vader, but I have heard rumors that he may make an appearance. That seems like something Lucasfilm would put in a trailer, like Spider-Man’s appearance in the Civil War How awesome would it be, though, if Vader just showed up completely unnaounced?
- This looks like an awesome new Walker Assault level in Battlefront.
- “What will you become?” This is a great shot as it mirrors the first look at Jyn from earlier in the trailer. In this shot, though, she looks much more confident; like she is more her true self when donning an Imperial uniform.
I’m already more excited than I was when I started writing this post. I can’t believe we live in a world that will see a new Star Wars movie every year. I know that my excitement and fandom are lining the pockets of Disney’s shareholders, but I don’t care. As long as Disney keeps making good movies, it can keep exploiting my love for Star Wars.
What did you think of the Rogue One trailer?
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