My in-laws are the best. When Alycia and I told them that I was leaving my job, the first thing they did was tell us that we could move in with them. We’ve been living with them for 10 months and it has been wonderful. They’re living embodiments of Jesus’ hospitality and generosity.
Not only have they opened up their home, but also they’ve been actively trying to make us more comfortable. This past weekend they had us throw out an old bed to make room for Clara’s crib. They also put up some blinds in our living room.
For the first few months we didn’t really need the blinds because of the angle of the sun. Since the spring, though, the sun comes up and shines right through the window pictured above. And, if you weren’t aware, the sun is bright. The room would get really hot and there wasn’t any place to escape the sun’s rays. These blinds, though, will make the mornings much more comfortable as they block out the light.
Unfortunately, I’m pretty comfortable with things that block out the light in my life. Most of us are, actually.
We all have sins and habits that block out the light in our life.
These and plenty of other sins, attitudes and habits block the light of Jesus from getting to our lives. Like blinds of temptation, they keep the light from shining into and through our lives. Objectively we know that we shouldn’t like them, but like the blinds in our living room, they’re comfortable.
When we give into that temptation or fall into that habit or embrace that attitude, we know what we’ll get. We’ll get some amount of relief, pleasure or control, but eventually those will fade and we’ll find ourselves once again sitting in the dark.
To let the light back into our lives, to take down the blinds of our own choosing, we need to get uncomfortable in the dark. We need to resolve to stay in the light even when the temptation for relief, pleasure or control rears its ugly, dark head. We were made for the light and we need to rely on the Holy Spirit’s power to help us live out our intended design.
What helps you stay in the light?
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