I’m a week behind on my reviews of Doctor Who. Chances are, if you’re reading this post, then you already know what happened in “The Doctor Falls.” I’ve yet to watch the finale, but I thoroughly enjoyed “World Enough and Time.”
Here are some thoughts I had while watching the penultimate episode of Peter Capaldi’s run as the Doctor.
Missy isn’t a great Time Lord. The Doctor said that she and he made a pact to visit all of the stars, and that Missy didn’t have a chance to see them before she destroyed them. The Doctor wants to believe that Missy can be good because she is his oldest friend. I’ve had friends for over two decades now and they are the ones that I always go back to when I’m in need. They’ve known me the longest, they understand me the best and, hopefully like the Doctor does for Missy, believe in me the most. We need friends like that and we need to be friends like that.
The poor souls trapped in the hospital were in tremendous amounts of pain and they couldn’t do anything about it, other than have their volume turned down. Thankfully we’ll never find ourselves in a situation like that, but we still have to deal with the pain in our lives. We may not have someone turning down our volume, but we often like to ignore our own pain. We think that if we can turn down the volume ourselves, then we won’t have to deal with it. Unfortunately, pain doesn’t work like that. We need to acknowledge our pain, address it with the help of the Holy Spirit, share it with others and eventually move on from it in a healthy manner. Just turning down the volume on our pain will only cause us more pain in the end.
Because I watched “World Enough and Time” so late, I had already seen that the Cybermen were a part of this episode and “The Doctor Falls.” So, I knew what the conclusion of all the upgrade talk would be. I can understand the intentions of the Cybermen, to be better versions of themselves. I don’t think numbing our pain and turning off all emotion makes us better, but I can appreciate the end, just not the means. Our lives with God are all about making upgrades and becoming more like Jesus. That’s what I want more than anything in my life, even though it isn’t always an easy road. Walking that road, though, is always better than staying where we are.
I’ll definitely watch “The Doctor Falls” before next week and have a review for you. All of you know what happens and have already seen the end of Twelve. Thankfully, because of my tardiness, I get one more week with Peter Capaldi as my Doctor.
What did you think of “World Enough and Time?”
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