I love Easter because it celebrates Jesus’ triumph over death and darkness. The power of God resurrected Jesus and now that same power gives me new life and the ability to live out that new life. Sometimes, though, I wish I could transfer that power and bring some of my favorite nerdclinations back to life.
Pushing Daisies
Pushing Daisies was a television show about, ironically, a pie maker who could bring dead things back to life for a minute. He used this power to solve murders with his private investigator partner. The show was quirky, different, hilarious and original, which obviously means it got canceled. I would love to transfer some resurrection power to Pushing Daisies and give new life to a show that more people should have enjoyed. If the pie maker wanted something to stay alive longer than a minute, it meant something else had to die. I would happily let anything on CBS die in order to bring Pushing Daisies back to life. Do we really need CSI: Fresno or NCIS: Milwaukee?
Mark Hamill
I know that Mark Hamill, the actor who portrayed Luke Skywalker, isn’t dead but I feel like he could use a little resurrection power. After the original trilogy concluded, it seemed like Hamill was meant for super stardom. He had just redeemed Darth Vader, defeated The Empire and gotten over kissing his sister. But while Harrison Ford went on to become one of the world’s biggest movie stars, Hamill was lost to obscurity. I know Hamill has had a very successful career as a voice actor; he voiced the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series. The last remaining Jedi, though, deserves a little time in front of the camera, not just behind a microphone.
The Chicago Cubs
Sports aren’t that nerdy but I obsess over the Cubs as much as any nerd obsesses over his level 18 paladin. The Cubs have played 23 games this season and I have watched part of each game. I love the Cubs and if there was any team that needed some resurrecting, it would be them. They haven’t won the World Series since 1908 and they haven’t even been in the World Series since 1945. I know God doesn’t really care about baseball but he is very gracious and the Cubs and their fans could use some of that grace. I think us Cubs fans have been in exile long enough; it’s time for God to let us return to the Promised Land.
I love what Jesus’ resurrection means: the renewal of creation as Jesus puts everything back together. It would be nice, though, if some of my favorite nerdclinations were the things being put back together. In the end, though, I suppose it’s better that the power of Christ’s renewal is being directed at clean water and human trafficking instead of at canceled shows and cursed baseball teams.
Maybe I should move to Africa and dig enough wells so that the Cubs can win the World Series.
What nerdclinations would you bring back to life?
Oh, I miss “Pushing Daisies”
Love this list. I’d say Firefly 🙁
I thought about Firefly but it always gets some love. I went with the underappreciated Pushing Daisies.
Boo Mark Hamill. His whining gets Annoying. Ep 4: “i’m never gonna get off this planet… Uncle Owen is mean… Waaa. Ep 5: “but master yoda, its too hard to use the force… Ep6: “help me daddy, the emperor is electrocuting me cause I suck at the force… Waaa. He’s the jarjar binks of the original trilogy. How about a list of actors that we wish they would have played Luke. My list:
1- Mr T. That bar scene would have gone a little different. Poor old Obe Wan wouldnt have too keep bailing him out… sucka
2-MacGyver. He could have gotten them out of the garbage compactor w/o help from C3PO and fixed the hyperdrive with duct tape
3-Sylvester Stalone. Rambo could have taken out the imperial troops on endor, and the deflector sheild, with his knife and bow & arrow. However, he would bust out his M60 on the emperor.
I don’t know if he was Jar-Jar Binks bad, but he was pretty whiny in Episode 4. “But I was going into Tashi station to pick up some power converters.” He is pretty gangster, though, in Episode 6 when he tells Han, “Just stick close to Chewie and Lando; I’ve taken care of everything.”
Traveller RPG isn’t dead yet but no one seems to notice it. It’s a really cool setting but only Traveller fans pay attention. You can’t find Traveller sourcebooks at the library or at Borders. You can find D&D and Warhammer at borders but D&D isn’t particularly cool compared with Traveller.
I had no idea hat Traveller was; I had to Google it. Maybe I’m not as much a nerd as I thought I was.
It’s much easier to unedrtnsad when you put it that way!