Today is Memorial Day. A day on which we in the United States remember all of those who have given their lives to protect our nation and our freedom.
It’s also a holiday which means it’s a day to rest, relax and celebrate.
Resting, relaxing and celebrating aren’t only sanctioned by the government but they’re also commanded in the Bible.
Throughout the Levitical law God commands his people to rest. The fourth commandment tells us to keep the Sabbath. Within the course of our everyday lives we need to find rhythms of rest, relaxation and celebration.
Our lives need to look a little more like the Ewoks’ celebration at the end of Return of the Jedi. We need to gather with some friends, do a little dancing and let out a little “Yub Nub!!!”
Rhythms of rest, relaxation and celebration allow us to focus on God. In spite of all of our work and effort we aren’t the ones who give ourselves life. When we take time to slow down and quiet our busy lives we have a better opportunity to focus on the real giver of life.
So with that, I’m going to go spend some time resting, relaxing and celebrating with the ones I love. It’d be great for you to do the same. Even when it’s not a government holiday.
Let’s go Yub Nub.
How have rhythms of rest, relaxation and celebration affected your life?
I think it’s surprising and profound that people who make a habit of resting from work are making a habit of humility. What you said is so true, “In spite of all of our work and effort we aren’t the ones who give ourselves life!” It’s a reminder of what Jesus said about us not being able to do anything apart from him.
Isn’t it crazy that resting is a discipline? And spiritually meaningful? Crazy. I love it..
I loved what you said about a habit of resting is really a habit of humility.