As a kid Return of the Jedi was by far my favorite of the original trilogy. It had all of the best action, including a final battle that took place across three different settings. Now that I’m older, though, The Empire Strikes back is my favorite Star Wars movie and one of my very favorite movies of all time.
When I was younger I didn’t appreciate its slower and more intentional pace, especially the scenes on Dagobah. I couldn’t understand why I had to watch Luke learn how to use the Force; I just wanted to see him use the Force. I’ve come to treasure those moments on Dagobah, though, especially Luke’s interaction with Yoda.
In the original trilogy Yoda was just a wise Jedi Master, the sage who guided Luke in the ways of the Force and helped him avoid the pitfalls of the Dark Side. The prequels and The Clone Wars definitely fleshed out Yoda’s character, showing him to be a skilled warrior and tactician as well as a master teacher.
In all of his iterations, though, Yoda was always helping guide those younger than himself. He questioned Anakin, guided Obi-Wan and popped in on youngling classes. He was always looking for ways to influence the next generation, expertly knowing when to push his students and when to step back.
We all need to find Yoda.
I’ve had plenty of tremendous mentors in my life: my parents, my grandparents, my youth pastor, my current supervisor and my current senior pastor. Without these men and women in my life I do not know where I would be today.
Last night I had the opportunity to hang out with another mentor, a new Yoda in my life. One of the board members at our church has been great at investing in me, not just in terms of ministry but also in my marriage and every other area of my life. Like Yoda he knows when he needs to use a stern hand with me and when to ease up. I appreciate all of his advice and the investment he’s made in me, but more than anything I appreciate how he is on my side; I do not doubt that he wants what’s best for me.
Our mentors may not wield a lightsaber and they may not fit snugly in a backpack, but we still need them in our lives. No matter where we’re at in life there’s always someone who knows more or is further along than we are. We need to find those people, those Yodas, and listen to what they say – even if they have hair coming out of their ears.
Who are your mentors?
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