I don’t know how many years I’ve had Amazon Prime but I really can’t imagine life without it. Between ordering stuff for church and ordering stuff for home, I am constantly on Amazon.com. I love the convenience of ordering something and having it show up at my home or office two days later, as long as Ontrac isn’t my carrier.
I’d definitely consider myself a fan of Amazon and the services it provides. As big a fan as I am, I was very much looking forward to Amazon Prime Day. In celebration of its 20th birthday, Amazon had a special day full of special deals for Prime customers. Amazon promised that the day would be bigger than Black Friday. Much like a package shipped with Ontrac, though, Prime Day left me disappointed.
I woke up yesterday morning and immediately went to Amazon to see what awesome deals I could secure. Throughout the entire day there were only three deals that interested me.
I thought about getting The Lord of The Rings Extended Edition on Blu-ray for $27.99 but knew that Alycia wouldn’t like that since we already have the movies on DVD.
Amazon also had a Prime Day deal for a portable charger but when I tried adding the item to my cart the website froze and put me on a waitlist even though the website said the item was still available.
Ultimately I only made one Prime Day purchase and that was Kingsman: The Secret Service, which was only $10 on Blu-ray.
I don’t know why I was so disappointed in Prime Day. It’s not like I needed anything and was hoping to get a good deal. I was hoping to find something that caught my eye, which I could justify buying for a discounted rate. I love the convenience of Amazon, but I also hate how it makes me think I need items that I actually don’t.
I need food, water, shelter and relationships. God has been gracious to be and I have never wanted for any of those. Sometimes I forget that God is my provider, though, and turn to Amazon for my fulfillment. I’m sure Jeff Bezos is all right with that, but God isn’t. God wants to provide for me and give me everything that I need in order to do what he has called me to do. I can’t find that sort of fulfillment at Amazon, no matter how many sales it has.
I made it through Amazon Prime Day pretty clean and didn’t buy too many worthless items. I never saw Kingsman but I heard that it was good. Hopefully it’s worth the $10 I spent. And hopefully I can remember that no matter how great Amazon is, it can’t satisfy me or provide for me like the Father of Lights.
What did you buy on Prime Day?
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