Last night Major League Baseball held its annual All-Star Game. The Midsummer Classic pits the best players from the National League against the best players from the American League. I myself am a fan of the National League so I was sad to see them lose.
As I watched the All-Star Game it got me thinking about who would fill out the roster for a biblical All-Star team. So, with that in mind, here’s the starting line up.
Pitcher – Paul
Pitchers tend to be some of the smartest players on the field. They have to know a lot of information regarding the batters that they face. Paul was definitely no slouch in the brains department as he basically figured out and wrote down Christian theology. I don’t necessarily see him as a power pitcher, but more like Greg Maddux. Maddux wasn’t the strongest guy on the field but he was often the smartest.
Catcher – Jesus
An inordinate number of former catchers go on to be managers in baseball. Catchers are like a manager on the field, taking charge of the action and telling all of the other players where to position themselves. Jesus was definitely an effective leader; the movement he started completely transformed the entire world. I could definitely see him crouched behind the plate, calling a perfect game. He’d also definitely know how best to encourage his teammates, giving them an encouraging ear or giving them an earful.
First Base – Ehud
Left-handed people make for great first basemen because they can reach out further with their glove than right-handed people. Ehud was a strong, left-handed judge who helped deliver Israel from the evil King Eglon. As a left-handed first baseman he could get perfect position on all of the throws coming his way. He could also be good in a benches-clearing brawl because he would have his sword underneath his baseball pants.
Second Base – Jonathan
Jonathan was more than David’s best friend; he was also a skilled warrior in his own right. And while he was the king’s son, he knew that God had chosen David to be the next king. Jonathan was willing to submit his future to God’s will. He would make a great second baseman because David would make a great shortstop. More than any other two players on a baseball team, the second baseman and the shortstop need to have a good working relationship. Together, David and Jonathan could turn some amazing double plays, as well as win an archery competition.
Third Base – Peter
Third base is also known as the hot corner and requires a stalwart presence. Peter could definitely be that stalwart presence as he was known as the Rock before the Rock was known as the Rock. If the church was built upon Peter and nothing could tear it down, then I don’t think a screaming line drive would have a chance. Every team also needs someone with some fire in their bellies and someone who chopped off a dude’s ear definitely fits that bill.
Shortstop – David
David was one of Israel’s greatest warriors and probably didn’t lack for athletic ability. Shortstops need to be tremendous athletes with the speed, quickness and range to get to balls all over the infield. I think David would be able to handle anything that came his way, even bouncers deep in the hole. He’d also be great partnering with his BFF Jonathan. Their double play combination wouldn’t need much work since they’ve already got a connection.
Left Field – Judas
In little league, left field is where they always stick the worst fielder. The same is true for the Major Leagues. If a player doesn’t really have a position but can hit the ball, he’ll often get thrown in left field. Judas betrayed Jesus so he doesn’t really deserve to be anywhere other than left field. Even with him in left field, though, I’d be worried about him intentionally dropping a fly ball to lose the game.
Center Field – Joseph
The center fielder is usually one of the fastest guys on the team. Joseph couldn’t outrun his brothers, but he definitely outran Potiphar’s wife. If Joseph can outrun a desperate housewife, then I imagine he wouldn’t have any trouble running down a fly ball. The team also wouldn’t have to worry about him flaming out because he got caught up in the trappings of fame. Joseph knew how to focus and that focus would serve him well in the big leagues.
Right Field – Samson
Right field is the spot for the biggest, strongest guy on the team. Samson definitely fits that bill. I don’t know how great of a fielder he would be, but I definitely wouldn’t run on him. I also wouldn’t pitch to him. Samson would definitely be one of those power guys who either strikes out or hits a home run. Samson was impulsive and did everything with fervor and I can definitely see that approach working for him at the plate. He would have to avoid the Yankees, though, since they have strict rules about hair length.
Baseball may have lost some if its popularity over the years, but there’s still nothing quite like going to a game and eating a hot dog. I still love getting out to the ballpark and watching the Cubs or Dodgers, but I would probably like it even more if some of the Bible’s greatest All-Stars made it to the diamond.
What Bible All-Stars would you want to see swing a bat?
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