I’ve spent the last 16 years doing youth ministry. There is a rhythm to the year, one that definitely follows the school year. For almost half of my life the summer has meant going to camp, hanging out at the beach, planning pool parties and, most important, spending time with students. This summer was no different and it was a great summer.
Too often in life we end one season and move too quickly into the next. This was a great summer and I don’t want to forget what happened because I’m too focused on that which is on the horizon.
Here are some highlights from this summer.
Avengers: Age of Ultron: It feels like forever ago that Age of Ultron came out, but it really did kick off my summer. I only saw the movie twice in theaters but I can’t wait for it to come out on Blu-ray in October.
Guatemala: My mission trip to Guatemala may be the overall highlight of my summer. I absolutely loved spending time with our students on a mission trip. We had some travel issues but, in spite of those, it was an amazing time. I already can’t wait to go back again in a few years.
The Christian Nerd Podcast: I’ve had a lot of great ministry highlights this summer, but a big personal highlight was launching my podcast. If you weren’t aware, earlier this summer I started The Christian Nerd Podcast with my friend, Ron. If you read this blog and enjoy it, then I can’t imagine you wouldn’t enjoy the podcast. If you read this blog and don’t enjoy it, then you can probably hate-listen to the podcast. Be sure to tweet at us what you especially dislike using the hashtag #TCNPodcast.
Summer Camps: Even after 16 years of youth ministry, summer camp is still my favorite week out of the year. This summer I spent a week in San Diego with our high school students and a week at Hume Lake with our junior high students. I loved hanging out with our students and investing in their lives; I had so many great conversations at camp. I’ve also built some great relationships over the years with the staff people at our camps; I also love hanging out with them. It’s a good life when I can spend a week eating candy, hanging out with teenagers, playing awesome games and hearing about Jesus.
The Cubs: I’m a huge nerd but I also love sports; hopefully you don’t find those two realties completely incongruous. This season the Cubs have actually been watchable. For five years they were absolutely terrible, one of the worst teams in baseball. While at this point they’re no longer playoff-eligible, this is still the best they’ve been in a long time. I’m just happy that I’m still watching them after spending $130 for MLB.TV.
Video Games and Comics: Just kidding, I really haven’t had any time to play video games and read comics. I’ve got some vacation coming up, though, so hopefully then.
It’s been a great summer and I can see God’s goodness throughout it. It is too easy to miss out on all the ways that God has blessed us, especially when we don’t stop to remember them. So before you or your kids head back to school or before the fall ramps up, I’d encourage you to take some time to think about this summer. Think about what you enjoyed, what gave you life and how God blessed you.
What are some of your highlights from this summer?
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