The nerd world exploded this week as Fallout 4 finally made its way to store shelves. I’ve got a few friends who couldn’t contain their excitement for the game and even took yesterday off work just to play it. I didn’t buy Fallout 4 and I haven’t played any previous iterations of the game. I bought Fallout 3 for Alycia to play, but she didn’t get very far before school started taking up most of her time.
I don’t get everyone’s excitement over Fallout 4, but that’s probably because I’ve never played the game. Here are some other video game series that I just don’t understand.
Grand Theft Auto
One of my favorite things about working at a video game store was telling parents about all the terrible things that could be done in Grand Theft Auto. Unknowing parents would come to the counter with their children to purchase GTA3 or Vice City, and I would relish the opportunity to talk about prostitutes, cussing and cop killing. More often than not the parents wouldn’t buy the game and the child would walk away, giving me the dirtiest of looks. I’ve never played any Grand Theft Auto games and don’t really plan on it. There’s a point when a game’s entertainment can’t outweigh its soul; Grand Theft Auto is way past that point.
Super Smash Brothers
This may border on heresy, but I’m not a big fan of the Super Smash Brothers games. There are plenty of Nintendo fanboys and fangirls who would take SSB over any other Nintendo property. I understand the appeal of having so many Nintendo characters in one place, but I can’t get past the gameplay. I believe there’s some strategy beneath all the layers of button mashing, but I have never found it. Mostly I don’t like SSB because I’m terrible at it. I don’t know if I’ve ever won a match, mostly because I always accidentally jump off the platforms.
Zombie Games
Resident Evil. Left 4 Dead. Silent Hill. These are game series that I have never played and never will. The Flood terrify me and they’re not really even zombies, so I can’t even imagine how I’d handle a real zombie game. I understand the appeal of zombie games and playing with a sense of fear and terror, but I just can’t handle it. I don’t like anything that scares me and zombies give me nightmares. I don’t have anything to do with zombies in my life, yet I still manage to have zombie nightmares.
I would like to play Fallout 4 but I don’t even have time to play the video games I already own. And, if I manage to lose a few pounds this week, I could have Battlefront to play next week. I hope that video games will be a part of the new heaven and new earth; I would love to catch up on some classics while eternally praising God. However, if I wanted to play GTA in the afterlife, I might need to look at a different address.
What video game series have you never played?
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