On Friday Rian Johnson dropped the first trailer for The Last Jedi at Star Wars Celebration in Orlando. I got to watch the entire panel, which offered some great insights into Johnson as a director. I haven’t seen any of his movies, but each of the actors seemed to trust him implicitly. I am very much looking forward to where he takes the Star Wars universe.
If you haven’t watched the trailer yet or would like to watch it again, here it is.
Here are some screencaps and some thoughts.
- Rey does not look like she’s enjoying her training very much. I’m interested to see how similarl Luke’s training is to Yoda’s.
- Skellig Michael is an island off the coast of Ireland. It looks pretty amazing. If I ever make it to Ireland I would like to go to the Guinness brewery, the Jameson distillery and Skellig Michael.
- I am glad Rey exists because Clara will be able to see shots like this and dream about being a strong, independent hero who also happens to be a woman.
- Is Rey using the Force or getting ready to fly like Superman?
- Remember when Darth Vader took off his mask at the end of Return of the Jedi and he wasn’t nearly as intimidating because he was just an old man? I certainly hope Kylo Ren doesn’t ditch his mask. I was just watching The Force Awakens and he’s not nearly as intimidating with his well-conditioned hair flowing around.
- This is my favorite shot in the trailer.
- Rian Johnson revealed that this planet is Crait and will play a key role in The Last Jedi. Johnson said that it’s a mineral rich planet and apparently the First Order wants those minerals. These landspeeders look awesome, especially kicking up the red dirt. I don’t know if they’ve got enough firepower to take down an AT-AT, but at least they’ll get an A for effort.
- I hope Poe Dameron doesn’t lose his black X-Wing; that thing is sweet. It was a central part of my favorite scene from The Force Awakens.
- No helmet for Kylo Ren, but the lightsaber does make him look more intimidating. I really can’t wait to see how his character develops, especially in relation to Snoke.
- I think this is from a flashback of when Kylo Ren betrayed Luke and Luke’s other students. It looks a lot like the scene from Rey’s flashback when Luke puts his hand on Artoo.
- I don’t know when this scene takes place, but I think the trailer wants us to believe that Luke will have a fiery faceoff with Captain Phasma. That might happen, but not how the trailer wants us to think it will happen.
- The space battles in Star Wars have always been my favorite and Rogue One had an amazing battle. I can’t wait to see how exciting this scene is in The Last Jedi.
- I’m a little worried by how jaded Luke is. Hopefully he changes his mind and brings the Jedi back.
I love Star Wars and am absolutely looking forward to December 15. We had a lengthy discussion about the trailer on this week’s episode of The Christian Nerd Podcast, which you can check out here.
What did you think of the trailer for The Last Jedi?
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