I haven’t spent any time on the east coast. Atlanta is the furthest east I’ve been and that’s the south, it doesn’t even count as the east coast. I’ll be spending more time on the eastern seaboard, though, because my sister and her family are moving to Boston.
My brother-in-law is really smart, like really, really smart. You can buy his book on Amazon, but I don’t know if you’d understand it; I know I wouldn’t. He has his Ph.D. in practical theology and has been trying to find a full-time professor position at a college or seminary. Well he applied for a position at Boston College and got it. They’re moving to Boston in July.
This is definitely the most bittersweet experience in my life. I’m ecstatic because Boston College is a prestigious institution and professorships don’t come around all that often. My brother-in-law is super smart and has worked incredibly hard to get to this position. I’m so happy for him, my sister and my nieces.
I also felt like I got punched in my stomach when my sister told me her husband got the job. I was actually hanging out with her and my nieces when my brother-in-law got a message to call back and speak with the dean. We were fairly certain you don’t talk to the dean unless you’re getting the job.
I love my sister so much. She’s pretty much been my best friend for my entire life. Sure there were some difficult years when she was a teenager and I was annoying, but for the most part we’ve always gotten along. I love her husband and being uncle to her daughters is one of my life’s greatest joys.
Now, though, we won’t be able to simply drive to their house for dinner. We won’t get to celebrate all the major and minor holidays together. I won’t get to see my sister be as present a part of Clara’s life as I was in my nieces’. I’m crushed because they’re moving 3,000 miles away, which is a lot further away than 30 minutes.
This experience really is a microcosm of life. We always go through highs and lows, often at the same time and sometimes even in the same experience. I know that technology makes it easier to stay connected, but FaceTime isn’t the same as face time.
So we’ll make the most of these next two months. We already had a big trip to Maui planned for June. So we’ll prepare ourselves for their trip 3,000 miles east, by flying 3,000 miles west.
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